Federal Student Loans

Federal Student Loans

To apply for a federal loan, a student must submit a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid http://fafsa.gov/). Based on a student’s FAFSA, SAI (Student Aid Index), grade level, and enrollment status, the Financial Aid Office will determine the maximum amounts and types of loans for which the student and his or her parents are eligible. 

Loan funds cannot be disbursed until all necessary requirements are met (ie, Loan Entrance Counseling, Master Promissory Note (MPN), Verification, etc.). If all requirements have not been completed, loan amounts will not be applied to the student’s Fisk bill. You must notify the Financial Aid Office if any changes need to be made to your loans after they have been accepted in the Fisk Colleague Self-Service student portal. 

Federal Direct Loans 

The Federal Direct Student Loan Program consists of subsidized and unsubsidized loans. Repayment of Federal Direct Student Loans may be deferred while a student attends the university on a half-time or full-time basis. The student must begin repayment of the loan six months after leaving school or dropping below half-time. 

The Federal Direct Subsidized Loan is awarded according to demonstrated financial need. Interest is paid by the federal government as long as a student is enrolled at least half-time at the university. Interest will begin accruing when the student enters repayment six months after leaving school. 

The Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan is awarded regardless of a student’s demonstrated need. Interest begins accruing from the date of disbursement. Students may make interest payments while in school to avoid capitalization of the interest. When interest is capitalized, it is added to the principal amount of the loan upon which further interest charges are based. Making interest payments while enrolled in at least 6 credit hours is not required as the loans do not go into repayment until the student graduates, falls below six hours enrolled, or ceases attendance. 

To view the current interest rates and fees, visit http://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/loans/interest-rates)  



Student Loan Entrance Counseling

Students must complete Loan Entrance Counseling prior to having a loan disburse. The Federal Government requires you to complete entrance counseling to ensure that you understand the responsibilities and obligations you are assuming. 

If you are completing entrance counseling to borrow a loan as an undergraduate student, then the entrance counseling will fulfill counseling requirements for Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans. 

If you are completing entrance counseling to borrow a loan as a graduate or professional student, the entrance counseling will fulfill counseling requirements for Direct Subsidized Loans, Direct Unsubsidized Loans, and Direct PLUS Loans. 

Click here to complete Entrance Loan Counseling http://studentaid.gov/entrance-counseling/



Exit Loan Counseling

Exit Counseling

Borrowers who receive loans under the Federal Direct Student Loan Program are required to complete an online exit counseling session when withdrawing, graduating, or dropping below half-time attendance (even if transferring to another school). These loans include the Direct Subsidized, Direct Unsubsidized, and Direct Graduate PLUS loans. 

The exit counseling session is intended to help you understand your rights and responsibilities as a student loan borrower and provides useful tips and information to help you manage your loans. 

Please note that you must complete the entire session once you begin. If you exit the counseling before completing the session and return later, you will need to start over from the beginning. Be prepared to provide your driver’s license number (if you have one), addresses and phone numbers for your next of kin, two references who live in the United States, and your future employer (if known). 

Click here to complete Exit Loan counseling studentaid.gov. 

Student Loan – Master Promissory Note (MPN)

The Master Promissory Note (MPN) is a legal document in which you promise to repay your loan(s) and any accrued interest and fees to the U.S. Department of Education. It also explains the terms and conditions of your loan(s).

You may receive more than one loan under an MPN over a period of up to 10 years to pay for your or your child’s educational costs.

Click here to complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) studentaid.gov

Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement

The Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement is a StudentAid.gov tool to inform borrowers of what they owe in federal student loans or, for new borrowers, it provides important information about student loans. This tool will also assist borrowers in planning for the future.

All Federal Direct Loan borrowers will have to acknowledge prior to receiving a loan disbursement for Award Year 2021-22.

Click here to complete an Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement studentaid.gov

Loan Limits

Dependent undergraduate students who are enrolled as regular students in eligible programs may be able to borrow per year up to:

  • $5,500 as a freshman ($3,500 of which can be in subsidized loans)
  • $6,500 as a sophomore ($4,500 of which can be in subsidized loans)
  • $7,500 as a junior or senior ($5,500 of which can be in subsidized loans)

The maximum aggregate loan amount a dependent undergraduate student may borrow is $31,000 (no more than $23,000 of which can be in subsidized loans).

Independent undergraduate students (and dependent students whose parents have been denied access to a Federal PLUS Loan) who are enrolled as regular students in eligible programs may borrow per year up to:

  • $9,500 as a freshman ($3,500 of which can be in subsidized loans)
  • $10,500 as a sophomore ($4,500 of which can be in subsidized loans)
  • $12,500 as junior/senior ($5,500 of which can be in subsidized loans)

The maximum aggregate loan amount an independent undergraduate student may borrow is $57,500 (no more than $23,000 of which can be in subsidized loans).

Graduate students are generally allowed to borrow up to $20,500 each academic year in unsubsidized loans, graduate students are not eligible to receive subsidized loans.

The maximum aggregate loan amount a graduate or professional student may borrow is $138,500.

Loan proration impacts undergraduate students applying for graduation who are receiving Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans. 

Federal regulations require schools to prorate the Federal Direct Loan amounts for graduating undergraduate students when their final enrollment period is less than a full academic year. The loan limit proration determines the maximum loan amount that a student may borrow for the final term of study based on the degree they are earning. 

Graduating undergraduate students who are only attending one semester of the academic year will have their Federal Direct Loans prorated based on the number of credit hours they are enrolled. 

Note: Graduate and professional students are excluded from the loan proration requirement. 

Loan Proration Amount Chart 

The chart below provides an estimate of the proration amount of the loan with consideration of the hours enrolled, degree type, and dependency status as defined by the student’s FAFSA.  Other factors considered are annual loan limits, lifetime amounts used, the Student Aid Index (SAI) from the FAFSA, and other aid awarded.  Proration will occur prior to the first scheduled disbursement date for the graduating semester. 

Credit Hours in Fall  Subsidized Loan Amount  Unsubsidized Loan Amount 
0 to 5  $0  $0 
6  $1,375  $500 
7  $1,604  $583 
8  $1,833  $667 
9  $2,063  $750 
10  $2,292  $833 
11  $2,521  $917 
12  $2,750  $1,000 
13  $2,979  $1,083 
14  $3,208  $1,167 
15  $3,438  $1,250 
16  $3,667  $1,333 
17  $3,896  $1,417 
18  $4,125  $1,500 
19  $4,354  $1,583 
20  $4,583  $1,667 
Credit Hours in Fall Subsidized Loan Amount Unsubsidized Loan Amount Total Loan Amounts Combined
0 to 5 $0 $0 $0
6 $1,375 $1,750 $3,125
7 $1,604 $2,042 $3,646
8 $1,833 $2,333 $4,167
9 $2,063 $2,625 $4,688
10 $2,292 $2,917 $5,208
11 $2,521 $3,208 $5,729
12 $2,750 $3,500 $6,250
13 $2,979 $3,792 $6,771
14 $3,208 $4,083 $7,292
15 $3,438 $4,375 $7,813
16 $3,667 $4,667 $8,333
17 $3,896 $4,958 $8,854
18 $4,125 $5,250 $9,375
19 $4,354 $5,542 $9,896
20 $4,583 $5,833 $10,417
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